Original Post
[S]ellin my whole deactivated inventory
if u like to buy something offer i also got supernova force on other acc XD offer on all but be reasonable

the items included are

flame practicle texture

vampire ghsot x2.

tyrian : torso.

aqua : relax.

aurora : torso.

camo : relax .

cooper : force.

head texture item

helios : left hand trail, right hand trail x2, right leg trail, secondary gradient.

hot pink : right leg trail , left leg trail.

ivory : relax,dq,grip.

marine : blood, force , ghost , left leg trail, right leg trail.

noxious : relax.

pharos : force,torso.

radioactive : blood, primary gradient x2 , relax, force and more lol.

sphinx : dq.

superfly : force ,relax.

toxic : grip , relax X2 .
Last edited by Onamist; Apr 1, 2010 at 04:11 PM.