Originally Posted by
i don't wnana be an asshole again friends, but i'll really admit you to throw him out, he is a clan hopper and he is only searching for his own best.
He was in Aeon... i know what i say, and as he foudn out he can get nothing out of our clan, he decided to leave with this reason... I'll juts admit you to think about it... Really, how i hate such scumbags...
And if u want i can give u Aeon's bot, u just have to make an Account that is named "DAbot" for exampl , and then u must enter it account detals there and launch bot programm, i can explain it via Pm, too!
Sorry bud i luld Cobra: "....jus love to see my avvy everytime cauz hes hot....."
i left because the only member i saw ingame was one guy i forgot his name >.< and i wasent happy in this clan and when i joined any clan they all just died or the leader left the game does this makes me a clan hopper? the only clan i left is Aeon
Last edited by seasmy; Mar 31, 2010 at 11:25 AM.