+ I can recolor them for someone to black + yourcolor (CW and glow). Just tell me what color you want on irc.
Verax sunshine make one in my tori style. Flame-ish or just black/red
<evil> srsly people forgot that most part of toribash community is douchebags... lead by shin
No, pro har har
* MMDES222 ([email protected]) has joined #support
[13:47:19] <MMDES222> How to add a brother to the game to make it (mc)
[13:50:05] <@Stellar> What the fuck did you just say to me

Kristis133 is better than me
God damnit Chicken where is the new Bicep Texture for our clan?

~why dont U draw it? :V ~chickpea
Last edited by Chikin; Mar 28, 2011 at 12:51 AM.
well guys... lets do this...... since we are a clan, a "virtual family" or just a bounch of fags that like trolling each others.
we need a simbol, a mark that we can put on our textures... :3 i was thinking that someone may like it on the arm, someone on the leg, someone on the hand... ot w/e.... soooooooooooooooooo... just send me the flat of ur texture and i will try to fit in it our logo or a band with written CW on it.
I made urs Azuma... not my fault if u are always afk when i visit IRC. U insisted so much for make me drawing ur stuff before the others work I had to do and u dont even care much of it. :V lame biotch.