Christmas Lottery
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Bionicles :D
I was looking around my room and noticed my collection on the shelf. Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan, shit is so damn cash :D

I remember, back in the days I had a friend who was collecting bionicles too, together we had pretty huge pack of them, we used to play long hours with them. We were making stories and such, like a roleplay. It was TOTALLY AWESOME.

Then, sadly, he had to move out of the neighbourhood (before he lived just next to me, few steps and I could knock on his doors).

I totally love memories of playing with bionicles. I even have some thoughts that I'll buy some when I'll be adult, haha :D

Right now I could find:
- black from the very first series
- brown bohrok
- red and green from second series
- white, blue and black from third series
- blue civilian

That's not much, but together we had waaaaay more, we had like, all the series completed, over 9000 bionicles overall. We had those epic ones like light toa (Taka?) and the evil boss Makuta :D

Seriously, I think it was best part of my childhood.

Do you have them bionicles? :D Story time.

also making use of fact that I obtained that damned camera, I can get you photos of my bionicles on my bed, in battle poses xd

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
i collected the very first which came out. but my brother and me got bored of it.
i prefered beastwars-guys, they were awesome. never got the ape, sadly :'P
I actually hate them. Always the same shitconstruction, never new invention except for this shooting thingie, that was quite nice for Lego. But still, you can't vary with them like with the normal bricks and you basically are fixed to one figure, except if you have more of them.

Then it actually made some fun to build some ub3r cripple constructions out of it, but after all I didn't like it. Especcially that they always bring out new ones, with freak names (Good shit to get ingame names though, sounds spacy and sketchy) but still..

They're awkward.
Nice idea for a thread though. :3
Originally Posted by Nobuddie View Post
I actually hate them.


Well indeed, after a while they got really commercialized, but then we stopped buying them. But it took a while and those first series were awesome.

Also we were real maniacs on that, we knew all skills of these characters and such.

Also, I've got mutant built of 1st series black and 2nd series green. Made it back in those goooood times. It looks pretty badass, has got claws on feet, tail, four arms (two with real hands to bash opponent, second with swords) and two machineguns on shoulders. And a long neck. And it looks badass. Really badass.

Here's that mutant :D

Shitass quality, but at least you'll have a view of it. Fyi that blue thing isn't a part of him, it's blue civilian pierced by his sword xd
Last edited by JtanK; Apr 3, 2010 at 02:12 PM.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Ahhahaahaa,I remember those things.
I have the blue one from the first, and some others that I have no idea are from. There's like a dude who has this massive crab monster four legged thing hat he rides. He also has a cape, so badass.

i wub u lSl :D
[vibe] [ORMO] [GATA]

I loved them when I was young. I had 10 but now I found only:
Red, green, blue and black from first series
and black from second series.
Anyway I prefered LEGO.
They update the bionicle series way to often. :P Mom didn't let me collect anymore bionicles cause i keep losing em.
..... Iz wasting the Tori Prime , because i can.
Originally Posted by shadowelf View Post
Anyway I prefered LEGO.

LEGO did Bionicles...
Also I thought the were shit when they came out and I still stay to that...
Originally Posted by flXy View Post
LEGO did Bionicles...

But there's difference, legos are legos, those faggy guys, rectanglish blocks etc. Bionicles are emm, made of special parts.
Also I thought the were shit when they came out and I still stay to that...

Also you are shit ;____;

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos