Original Post
[Sale]High Quality Robotish Head

Eh, offer. At least 3k. Forces/Relaxes are the only items. Or pec body textures.
And if you'd really like to offer a flame, then go for it. But for some reason I
doubt that will happen. Erm, obviously TC is accepted. If there's any posts
that are only commenting on the quality of the head, I WILL report you.
The textures shown in the following preview(s) are in 256x256/512x512 pixel
resolution. In order to use the resolution shown in the preview, you MUST have
the corresponding high-resolution texture item, available in the Torishop for
About 60% of this head was copy/paste. If there are
any more questions about this, please pm me. I'd be glad to answer any
questions you have. I might be able to recolor. Tell me what you'd like to change
something to, and I'll tell you if I'm able to.

<~oyster> i want you to fart near my mouth
I'm gonna assume that's 4.5k TC or somewhere around there. Because in the Torishop it's
5k, and the Deal finders down. So in 24 Hours if no one offered more than that than you can
have it. Correct me if I'm wrong about the price.

<~oyster> i want you to fart near my mouth
Bloobing, reported, even though you're not my brother. And deridor, even if it
was 10k, PsyTrance offered 11k. =D Same thing goes for PsyTrance. If there
isn't a higher offer within 24 hours it's yours.

<~oyster> i want you to fart near my mouth
Varkenoss where did you get the imaging you pasted on, coz it fits perfect size and still hasnt lost quality. Very nice job even though it is copy paste
[Kingdomz] sucks, Life sucks. does grandma.
can i plz have it for 1.2k plz i realy badly want it my user is tommso2 ill sent you the tc if you say yes but you wont.
Mmicc, I'll pm you the image. And tommso, 1. Don't double post. 2. You can't get a head like this for 1.2k.

<~oyster> i want you to fart near my mouth