Originally Posted by DarkJak View Post
Yeah get the iso from a torrent. As long as you use a legal key, it's okay.

If your drive is kaputt, use a flash drive. If this is an upgrade, mount the image then install.

Trust me, Microsoft has probably already made AP to deactivate versions installed like this. Also, each CD key is tailored to a specific disk. So, if you used your bought key on a torrented version, it won't work.

Vlad, you should buy a new CD drive, if it's really dead. They're easy to install yourself if you read the instructions, and you can get a decent one for really cheap.
i liek turtelz xd
I know how to install them, I did it a few times already...but the ting is that I don't have the time(money either) to go and buy one...I now have a CD-ROM which sucks but at least I can read CD's.But unfortunately Win 7 is on a DVD...
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I'm assuming you're running it on a virtual machine. I suggest you format your HD and install win7 OR, if possible, you can upgrade and make all your files go to a new folder on your drive. Running two OS's, that is one on startup and one on a virtual machine, severely slows down your computer.
hmmm...then ask a friend to burn a disk for you? owait....damn.

Well, then just buy a new dvd drive. They really aren't expensive now. I got a new one last week for 20 bucks after mail in rebate. You're gonna need it eventually anyway.
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I had a virtual machine running Win 7 but it was slow as Mudkipz said so I deleted it.Now it's just a matter of time till I'll buy a new drive.
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