Secret Santa 2024
Once Your that succesful you can quite easily just say.
"Gah fuck who cares ^_^ were freakin powerful enough" and so crap what are we gonna do. Sue them for it>
Time is a great teacher. Unfortunatly it kills all of its pupils... Louiz Hector Berlioz
Originally Posted by Nathan View Post
Holy crap. This is interesting.
I wonder if anything can be done about it.

Although I assume many other companies do it, it's probably an expensive process to make the motion patterns, so why not?
But yeah, this was interesting and entertaining.

Mabey the creators are so dull that they dont have any new ideas.
I'm not surprised. Disney does lots of crap just to get more money. In this video they fail really badly.
I have a signiture picture and you don't. :)
.:3rdDan Black Belt:.
Man. saying they are lazy really pisses me off. every frame in the entire movie is drawn by hand. i think they animate at 24 fps. do you even know how much drawing that is? good lord.
^garblejfidlssja beflijfdsl baeufkh dsjlinuefjdsl
Okay, I take my other comment back, since I'm thinking now instead of assimlating like a lot of others -_-

All they're doing here is taking the same basic idea and re-animating it, with new characters and animations themselves. They may look the exact same in movement, but seriously: imagine how much longer it would take to make these movies if they had to make a new animation scene every single time. A very long time, and it already takes a really long time to make them.

Don't go dissin' the classics. As simlar as they may be, they're always going to be the same Disney classics that they haven't made forever, but that's a whole other thread idea there...
Pretty smart. I never would have noticed this until I saw the video.

Like others have said, though, the way they made animations back then was very time-consuming. You had to draw each frame as an individual picture. Once those millions of pictures were drawn you had to assemble them into somewhat of a "flip-book". Then, when they were all "flipped" ( played back ) together it made the images look like they were moving.

Using shortcuts when making such long movies picture by picture is fine by me. They're very successful movies as well.
Its actually a good idea so they wouldn`t have to make a new dance for every movie wich would actually still lead to this so...