They are fighting about who i will make set to....Just kidding.
Boranija:Napravicu ti kad mognem....

Piratez I Am
New account/name = perica
We will start the story at the point when the things gone worse for the Toritopia.....
ToriLitle:The sky is falling!!The sky is falling!!
The threating fact is that the sky wasn't falling.The things that were falling from the sky were Possesed ukes.They weren't acting normal,they didn't wait for us to do an opener.
We tried to fight them on foot but it was to use....We could only fight them in our own teritory the SKY.
We won that battle but not the war.While we are fighting Hampa and Veb were watching our little performance.They called Perica.
Veb:We could sure use those pair of wings against HIM....
Hampa:Yes the BLACK DRAGON is back.Perica you and your friend will make a clan.Call it how ever you want...
Pericaragonz, that will be the name..
Hampa: Well then its chosen...The DRAGONZ are now the official "sky police" of the Toritopia.......
Piratez I Am
New account/name = perica
Zanimljiva prica Belgrade.

Ja nikad nisam hteo da izmisljam pricu zato sto mislim da je besmisleno praviti pricu o imenu jedne grupe u igri koja nema pricu a glavni likovi su dve cicaglise
During the time of the great clan wars, the Dragon Mounts were used to storm the tori-islands across the wast space of the battlefront. Those ancient creatures were bound by the Hampa's Flame, to protect his fortress and they were not subjective to no one. Ancients they called themselves and kept the walls safe from the constant attacks of the Dethrone clan, the one of the dark magician art who were corrupting the souls of the young dragons and use mounts for their mercenary jobs. When the one of the Ancients betrayed the Dragon clan, Detronh's managed to stole the bounding Flame of Hampa and with it all dragons had to be obedient to them. All, but one, the youngling of the Ancient Dragon Ergovar, Bow-Vak the silver-skin. Bow-Vak escaped the slaughter of the Ancient clan and seek refuge at the peaks of Myutir. At that time, that black mountain was a hiding place of a small mercenary band called Dragonz. They have suffered in the great war, almost destroyed by others mercenary groups cause they didn't had the dragon mounts, and were gathering the new members for their clan. Perica was their leader, together with his best friends Boranija and Belgrade. They accepted Bow-Vak silve-rskin as their Protector mount and only Perica was able to command the beast. Every Ancient dragon had an ability to speak with his rider through mind and soon Perica found out who this youngling really was.
Bow-Vak guide them to the Hampafortress through secret passage and there they managed to steal back the Hampa's Flame, and with it removing the dark magic spell from the Ancient Dragon clan. In the final fight, Perica killed the leader of the Detronh clan and take over the mercenary group. Together with the Ancient Dragons they became the protectors of the Hapmafortress and honorary guards of the Hampa's Flame.
Last edited by 8OJ4N; Apr 21, 2010 at 08:33 PM.