View Poll Results: hwo is vexon to you?
vexon is awsome
7 Votes / 87.50%
vexon is cool
2 Votes / 25.00%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 8. You may not vote on this poll
View Poll Results

Yep, go ingame and press ctr-L.
Then a box will come out, and you can organize the color, size, range, and stuffs.
not dead
I also wanted to join, but only 5 wushu fighters are to join.
Blue and Vex will definitely join, cause they're the "wushu'ers" in this clan, I think.
not dead
urm i live in england and village is london so gmt london england?
When everything fails. [RAM] doesn't .
[Baltic] [RAM] [wushu leguevl2]