Hmm, I'm looking for some other characters, someone give me some that are decent gankers, but can still farm with ease, I'm already using electrician and TB
Hmm, I'm looking for some other characters, someone give me some that are decent gankers, but can still farm with ease, I'm already using electrician and TB
I played devourer in my last match, he's pretty cool but that hook can grab
everyone. The cooldown is a bit long too.
[10:17][10:50] <diskimage> Where can I find the Toribash license?
Hmm, I'm looking for some other characters, someone give me some that are decent gankers, but can still farm with ease, I'm already using electrician and TB
The best gank hero is Valkyrie, and her Call of Valkyrie spell makes her an excellent push/farm as well. Corrupted isn't a very good gank purely because of lack of stun spells. He can only kill steal.