Original Post
[AUCTION] GOLD primary and secondary
Welcome to another 24h auction of MMG.

Todays 2 Golden Gradients :

Bid on both items together.
Start bid: 1k
Min raise: 200TC
Shop price: 15000 + 15000TC = 30 000 TC !!
Deal finder 4500 + 3300 = 8800TC
Autobuy = Min dealfinder price = 8800TC
End time: 24h

Also feel free to donate MMG

Need TCs? Check Merch Master guild
Huge profits, Investment ,and TC loans!

MMG SHOP - all items are lowest Deal finder price:
Last edited by MMGuild; May 3, 2010 at 08:04 PM.
Merch Master Guild (MMG) "Your way to make profit" JOIN
Start bid lowered to 1k.

Comon thsi stuf is worth 30k shop and 8.5k DF..

User was infracted for this post. (Illegal bump) ~Chozo
Last edited by Chozo; May 3, 2010 at 10:51 PM.
Merch Master Guild (MMG) "Your way to make profit" JOIN