Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
[R] destiny needs a new set

i want a new set
The colors are Quicksilver and Plasma and mix a little pure in too, not much though.
The style should be along the lines of AlphaSoniK's Jetfire WIP
I like that style a lot.
I also want all the textures to be in the resolution 512x512 pixels
i heard that would also be easier for the texturers so we're both happy \/
for the Payment
i don't have many TC left but i will give you a full Mysterio Pack and Azurite Blood
let's see how much i can get for that
i think thats it
please do me a new set

EDIT: IT'S OVER! SheAngel has won this!
Sending Payment now

Last edited by destiny; May 20, 2010 at 09:16 AM.
it looks pretty good but i dont like the eyes
the rest is superb though
you could mix a little more pure in, make the eyes bigger and more like the reference and add a glow
that would be great
also thanks for working on it

EDIT: oh right
those eyebrow things... they kind of don't fit in....and i want the set in general to be more bright
thats why i chose QS and don't remove all the Demon but make it brighter in general...
Last edited by destiny; May 7, 2010 at 09:35 AM.