Original Post
[DSC] PlastiX

Clan Story:
The first synthetic plastic was made from the plant material cellulose. In 1869, John Wesley Hyatt, an American printer and inventor, found that cellulose nitrate could be used as an inexpensive substitute for ivory. The word plastic comes from the Greek word plastikos, meaning "able to be molded.", but the legend tells that when you write it PlastiX with X in the end instead of c it comes to live and owns you and your family after that it will conquer the world. Because of this no man has been brave enough to call the plastic PlastiX except Sammtheman. After PlastiX had owned Sammtheman’s family it decided to own him but Sammtheman decided not to let himself be owned. The fight ended in big explosion that was in force almost 1CNr (one Chuck Norris roundhouse kick). Explosion was so powerful that PlastiX and Sammtheman became one. After being merged with PlastiX, Sammtheman started to share its ambition on world domination and started his journey to find strong warriors to help him conquer the world…





1.Respect your clanmates
2.Never do rage-quit
3.You must donate 300tc in clan bank every month(we respect big donations)

More rules coming up...

If you want to join this clan:
1.Make the rules clear for yourself
2.You must be atleast black belt to join
3.You must donate 100tc for the clan
4.We will test you and you must win us in couple of modes

Clan aims:
1.Get the clan in the official clans list
2.Have nice atmosphere
3.Get atleast 10 members
4.Conquer the toribash world in plastic way
Last edited by sammtheman; May 26, 2010 at 03:42 PM.
You should read This
and this

May this can help you whit your DSC
<Aeon><Master Belt><Gamers Inc.><RMO><GERMAN Unibash Manager>
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Spaft|Vipertech|Chirs|Jormungandr|SocKeTe|threedog 2|Habeeb|SXDave
Clan video
So samm,
how is it going with our toribash clan video?
If you have questions feel free to pm me.

Stay plastic guys.
We really should decide what music we'll have on our clan vid... so if u have any ideas on subject post them here. Let the discussion ensue!!!