Original Post
How do i post a spinny head?
Can anyone tell me why i cant save my spinny heads on gimp 2? Am i just not paying attention or what?
Filters - animations- spinning globe - set framertate to around 50 - save file as name.gif and tick "save as animation"

Also, this shouldn't be in support.
Quit, probably.
Support is for problems directly related to Toribash. If this was "How do I post a head texture?", it'd be fine, but head globes aren't an integrated part of the game- all you need is the flat texture to use it in-game. Please keep more generally related questions (How do I make/post a TB wallpaper/head/texture set/etc) in Rapid Threads. Support is more for active problems than tutorials.
How to complain in style: GG, Mahulk.