1.)nickname: Meatacle
2.)belt (min belt is brown): Black almost 2nd dan
3.)age: 13
4.)mods: Judo and Aikido
5.)time that u are playing(hours a day): 1-3 hours
6.)time that u are playing tb: 4:00-7:00
7.)won tourneys: around 35
8.)reason to join: very cool clan, well respected, i enjoy the theme and i would love to help out the clan and gain tc for this clan
Ps: sorry i am no longer in Knotz
9.)tell us something about urself: ur interests, preferences etc.: I can speak Polish, French, English, and I want to try Russian.
-I like football and soccer
10.)icq / skype ( better Skype): I don't have one
11.) e- mail adress: I don't have one
12.) Nationality: American
Last edited by Meatacle; May 18, 2010 at 09:53 PM.