View Poll Results: hwo is vexon to you?
vexon is awsome
7 Votes / 87.50%
vexon is cool
2 Votes / 25.00%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 8. You may not vote on this poll
View Poll Results

Allways being funny is easy....Cheering people up is easy
But Finding the positive in negative is too damn easy
Rep system?
I have just read the announcement and I have a question, well, actually 2

1: What is the rep system?
2: How does it work?
Well, rep system is the system when we can rep (reputation) up or down a person. Depending on their post.
If the posts are helpful, meaningful, you rep them up.
If the posts are stupid, insulting, you rep them down.

How does it work:
See the "rep" button beside report button? Press it.
To rep up » click»"I approve"»add comment» approve
To rep down » click»"I disapprove"»add comment

If your rep point is below zero, your symbol is red
If you rep point is over zero, your symbol is green (like mine and yours now)

Hope it help
not dead