Secret Santa 2024
Im selling 7 trails at Dealfinder ,also dont tell me that threre arent any.
And I bought many at 12-17k,cehck the forum history.. Trails are worth 15k average.

Your offer is lower than PsyTrance's.

Also PsyTrance is leading again
I typed something wrong then my bad but i found this

Found: Left Hand Texture Trail for 28,900 tc 17.43% off
Found: Right Hand Texture Trail for 29,900 tc 14.57% off

I think i still top.
140 + 20k + 21k = 181k

I toke out 8k from the price of deal finder of each trail.
Try to check them now and look who got the lowest offer at DF on the trails

now if you take of 8k per trail your offer is worth only 174k
still you gain profit i sell tem to you for 19k each you sell them for 25 - 28 k each you gain 6k to 9k

i will go for the 140k + 19k + 19k = 178k still top i guess.
mkzmqa21 mate,
good offer But im looking for ab 105k
Cuz i had already a offer on the lax 39k, and if i calculate the force only 60k its 99k..

texture trails are sold 1 piece in 1-2 weeks for min price. I dont need to freeze 30-40k for 3-4weeks.

"Not interested anymore. "

Its a pleasure to do deals with you

Wasted about 2 hours of my life time.
Last edited by Master2; May 24, 2010 at 04:58 PM.
Sent the stuff back to you. I check the actual price of this items and its over priced BY A LOT. this really worth 80/90k. I wont lose that much tc.
"Sent the stuff back to you. I check the actual price of this items and its over priced BY A LOT. this really worth 80/90k. I wont lose that much tc."

Mate please dont SPAM my thread, You already spmed it alot. mkzmqa21 offered 90k jsut for the force+relax.

I dont know what you are doing bu i think thats something like post farming,and wasting time of others.

You offer 1st 150k + 2 trials so you overbided all others offers, after that you droped the offer to 140k+2trials and after that again to 145k.
We made a deal and you sent the sutff after 40 minutes back.

Thats worth for a report or something..

Aaah, you are again wasting my time, your words are worth nothing boy. You need to grow up.

Nothing more to say.