hey guys! its clan war time, we are having a clan war, saturday! il give u a updtae a hour before. The war will be kickboxing, the players above will be in, also ill add in dr0pk1ck. So all folowing members be there, itle be against HEX, the room will be SOSvsHEX. seeya their! PRACTICE!!!!!
That is not jason411!!! It's hacker who scammed Jason and took the account. He is lilquin and yukio. Think before having him in the clan war. No one likes a hacker.

mecha did u add to the dsc cause i didnt and i wont add the members till they post or we cant become official. dont double post if u do edit it!!!!asap plz
Originally Posted by MechaFlame View Post
hey guys! its clan war time, we are having a clan war, saturday! il give u a updtae a hour before. The war will be kickboxing, the players above will be in, also ill add in dr0pk1ck. So all folowing members be there, itle be against HEX, the room will be SOSvsHEX. seeya their! PRACTICE!!!!!

dude i wont be there but i am going to watch you kill my clan
To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides.