Manxie's First task...
Okay, I've had full textures and been w/o a set for a while now. My task for the clan is as follows.
Each person in the clan must create at least one texture for a set, I'll pay 500tc to the best texturer for that part.
E.g 3 people make a left leg, the best get's the 500tc.
Take note I have 4,500tc deposit able, 9 possible parts... You can only submit a texture for 3 different parts, judging finished when I believe I've seen enough.
Hands, feet and pecs all class as one part. You will need to submit two textures to gain the 500tc. (I'd just like it as full as possible, I know these are harder to map as well but they're small.)
The texture can be anything, abstract, emo, random, cartoon, colourful, etc, etc, etc...
The only part I do not want is a head.