BirdFlu can't accept you, I'm the leader.
Before we even consider you, prove you were in omega in the begining.
i can prove it for him but you'll havr to wait 6 hrs. i'm on my phone. I made some crappy clan avy's and i know i made one for him
PigeonHive Flap Buzz
Yes, Lredguard was in old school Omega. He's a cool guy, I say yes, but Ruadhan is the all powerful dictator :L
Quit, probably.
Originally Posted by BirdFlu View Post
Ruadhan is the all powerful dictator :L


If TP and SwineFlu said that he was, then I need no proof.
I felt like posting the old avies anyway... Just for lels

Well now I'm confused. Is Lredguard the same as Reduard? Because I Have an avy for Redguard

PigeonHive Flap Buzz
Na im old, posts dont matter because i dont spend my days on forum, im an old may 08 player, yes used to be in omega, good player etc etc.

But i can prove my skills if need be.

Originally Posted by TehArtist View Post
He only has 54 post :/

I hate starting fights, espeicially in other peoples threads, but have i done anything to offend you, im an old 08 player i can get vouchs for being a good guy and good player of avwave and your 010?
Last edited by BURGERKING; May 31, 2010 at 01:51 PM.