Chill. A low post count just doesn't meet our criteria for new members. That's the only reason it was mentioned. You'd know that if you bothered looking. Chill hombre.
Chill. A low post count just doesn't meet our criteria for new members. That's the only reason it was mentioned. You'd know that if you bothered looking. Chill hombre.
Sorry bout.
Errm its cause i was recruited a while ago by arteiral and Birdflu, and just quit and stayed in soo.
Personally I don't give a crap about post count, it's just a stupid number. I know personally that Lredguard is a great player ingame and not in any way nooby. If anyone wants to argue with that, have fun.
Woop cheers guys, errm i will not be active for the rest or maybe 2-3 weeks because of Gcse examinations, but i will be on when ever im free and not revising.