Steena was like a sister. She always helped me when I'm in need. She's like that awesome someone who's always there for you. Always remember me cause I don't have the courage to ask that one girl out. Still I don't but today I'm going to tell her how I felt about her just for you Steena. I'll always remember you.
I used to kick Steena's ass in Prosambo over n over. she'd totally own me even tho i'd break her joints. i used to call her Steemy, cause i thought she was hott. she was pretty. And flirty. even tho she was all over to the other side of the earth i welcomed her to NYC for a vacation. I would've met an awesome chic "in about 2 years" as she said. My msn is missin a warrior. i'll keep "ente" on ma list... I tattooed ma tori's face n neck for her. Now ever fight wil be in honor of my sweet gamer friend.
I will miss kneein you in the tori clit Steemy.... may yur torispirit give me power from the DMTGdZ.
Uploaded replay of me brutalizing Steena. This is after surgery n her 19 day coma when she was home. I told her i got better since she was gone and i was gonna kick her ass. She opened up toribash and i did just that. I gave her my signature knee right in the clit at the end. She laughed at that one.
<AlphasoniK> Kristis: What the fuck is wrong with you, rainbow loving panda freak.
Seriously, try to piss standing up for a change. No life girly pants dimwit.
Shit, when people die in real life, it hurts so bad, but so see it happen on a game..
It just makes you think.
I hope that she rests in peace, bless her soul.
I'm gonna miss you steena.
I will remember you as a kind person that always brought peoples feelings up instead of down. I remember when we where in clans together. You always tried to make things right. Well your in a better place now.
- Dex