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Can Toribash be related to a religion?
As the title says, can Toribash be related to a religion?
-Well, are any of the settings like, the names, Tori and Uke able to be related to a religion or nationality? And was Toribash based off of one of them?
Last edited by Ukemonster; Jun 7, 2010 at 12:28 AM.
Belt: 9th Dan BlackBelt
Clan: Jolly Roger
All i know is "Tori" means offensive, or attack, and "Uke" means defense or to defend.

What language? Probably japanese or some other asian nation but i dont actually know, and am not well enough familiar with other languages to say more.
SuicideDo, the Brewtal Drunken Immortal.
Rough idea if you want to look at it as a religion, based on past history of the community.

Basically, like every game, this is a quest for fame and/or fortune. Everyone starts here (usually). Consider it like an entry position. You're there, but you aren't important yet. You strive to change that. You want to be noticed. So you're the acolyte or something of the religion

Certain players will ultimately be more beneficial to the community, and they rise in the eyes of said community. Think of them as high priests of said religion. Some people will hang on their every word, replay, pic, vid, etc. etc. These people also tend to become moderators, or at least get a fanclub.

And even fewer players will rise into essential godhood of the community. These are the players who have pushed the game to it's limits, or made ground breaking changes to the community as a whole. Examples would be ChezDa, NutHug, Dafe, and a few others. These people also tend to be inactive shortly after reaching this state, as true demi-gods don't delve in the world of mortals.

Then there's the creators and the creation. Both are usually held in high regard, though there are a few naysayers who will complain about it, ironically in their community. These are the actual gods of the game. As long as the game/religion lives, everyone should know roughly who hampa is, or veb.

But really, this is a game. If anybody is actually cutting off ragdoll's heads to sacrifice to hampa, they need to find help.

Edit: lol rant before update = fail
Originally Posted by OrAclE View Post
But really, this is a game. If anybody is actually cutting off ragdoll's heads to sacrifice to hampa, they need to find help.

Silence, ye heathen! Lest you be smitten for thy blasphemous tongue!
*Shakes in spiritual trance while decapitating ragdoll with a dagger*
The only reason this question came up was, believe it or not, I'm writing a paper slightly based off of Toribash. And I needed this stump to be overcome before I move on to actually writing the paper.
Belt: 9th Dan BlackBelt
Clan: Jolly Roger
Originally Posted by Odlov View Post
Silence, ye heathen! Lest you be smitten for thy blasphemous tongue!
*Shakes in spiritual trance while decapitating ragdoll with a dagger*

Im about ready to host a server just for sacrificing heads....

That was great idea, Oracle, thanks!

Originally Posted by Ukemonster View Post
The only reason this question came up was, believe it or not, I'm writing a paper slightly based off of Toribash. And I needed this stump to be overcome before I move on to actually writing the paper.

Well, martial arts are generally believed to have originated from Asian cultures, if that helps any.

Toribash is pretty much the ultimate representation of mixed/freestyle/natural style martial arts.

Any faiths based more around martial arts could apply to this theory of relation though.

My user name is based on Karate + suicide :P almsot a form of Seppuku, a code of honor for the samurai, who were largely taoist or shinto, i think?

Im pretty sure Bhuddists are very peceful and non warlike in spite of their hevy emphasis on the martial arts - this however has nothing to do with fighting so much as it is for the benefit of mind and body.

Since the ragdolls are neither our bodies or directly linked to our minds, i do not consider there much potential for any relationship between toribash and spiritual faiths.
Last edited by SuicideDo; Jun 7, 2010 at 12:55 AM.
SuicideDo, the Brewtal Drunken Immortal.
Originally Posted by Ukemonster View Post
As the title says, can Toribash be related to a religion?
-Well, are any of the settings like, the names, Tori and Uke able to be related to a religion or nationality? And was Toribash based off of one of them?


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