I think the only way to use real martial arts in toribash is by blind luck that an idea works out, or simulating it in single player. I try to fight as realistic as possible online ( landing on feet, not walking on your hands, not looking like you are made of wood ) and stuff like that. But the moves look 100% realistic only once in +/- 100 fights. Rest of the time people just bash like maniacs, and use openers that look not even close to real life moves. Those moves are way better in toribash then "trying" to use real moves, while you are focussing on getting in position for a realistic looking move the other player knocks you down while hanging upside down in the air spinning like crazy ghehe

Also it is ashame that armbars or leg locks or chokes are nearly impossible. But hey, you allways got single player to fool around with, and sometimes realistic replay events.
"I dissaprove of what you say, but i will defend to the death your right to say it"
If you havent noticed, toribash isnt like real life. You dont get constant pauses when you beat someone up just so you can figure what to do. And...heads dont come off that easily...
Originally Posted by firebolt309 View Post
If you haven't noticed, toribash isn't like real life. You don't get constant pauses when you beat someone up just so you can figure what to do. And...heads don't come off that easily...

I know I wasn't saying point for point using
Taijutsu or aikinage, but using principles like off setting the center of gravity sweeping movements and sharp grabs ect and also to see if anyone did study an art on here.

Though that said I think Toribash has its own style, of course its not 100% realistic, but its not bad for a video game, unless playing wushu ect xD
Originally Posted by blankdoor View Post

I know I wasn't saying point for point using
Taijutsu or aikinage, but using principles like off setting the center of gravity sweeping movements and sharp grabs ect and also to see if anyone did study an art on here.

Though that said I think Toribash has its own style, of course its not 100% realistic, but its not bad for a video game, unless playing wushu ect xD

Yes. Basic principles apply quite easily. Your strikes get more power (points) if you use whole body instead of just arms + chest, basic joint manipulation works too (join won't overextend, so apply some force to extended joint and *snap*) etc.

So basic stuff works alright.
< Larfen> also my replay thread has more views than the rules thread \o/

...This probably explains most problems in this community.
I apply aikido and gong fu skills. And fu** you wushu, i can't apply those skills....
within reason, and maybe not always intentionally.
sweep the feet, knock off balance, get low and lift, throwing overhead.
just doesnt work as effectively in tb as it does irl
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
i use piqua and white crane kung fu tactics. easier said than done as they are very high skill level martial arts
CrayonWarriorZ is too damn lazy to write a signature :)
Originally Posted by CrayonWarriorz View Post
i use piqua and white crane kung fu tactics. easier said than done as they are very high skill level martial arts

Wow that is quiet impressive! I am a very big fan of them both! If you could do both in real life as well then I bow my head to you. I wrote part of a study on White crane, its a very beautiful art. Nice to see some classy people on here xD
Outtake from book:
Tori: is name for the person throwing someone
Uke: the person being thrown

So yeah.