head looks pretty good.
feet are ungodly. ( <- Not completely your fault.)
hands seem okay. You have a nice idea making it flow from the top to the front. the sides of the hand have a part that doesn't flow so it undermines the place where you actually did make it flow.
Shins and thighs are the same texture and the texture doesn't flow from one to the other. It looks like you might have mirrored it though but I can't tell with the screenie. And, the texture doesn't look like you took any time to think about design...
can't see triceps and biceps but they're probably the same texture, may or may not be mirrored and have no flow.
torso textures follow the same pattern as the other textures.
The only good texture is the head texture.
Last edited by TomPaine; Jun 12, 2010 at 02:01 PM.