Any special ingame actions? Run? Dance?: I play torsex and i never get tired
Are you Forum active?(more then 100 or more posts): i post as much as possiable less then 100
Are you Ingame active?: yes very much
What is your best\favorite mod?: Akido
Why should we pick you?: I have the luck of Jah on my side
What do you have to offer this clan?: My life
Belt: 2nd dan
Age: 15
Bans or Infractions: none
Previous Clans: ICOF and a few others
Do you make any art? Videos?: nope i google
1.TB Skateboarding
2.Nope More Of an "Actual Thing" Man
4.Best: Aikido/Favorite:Technique (Whatever Mod That Is)
5.Idk Its All about fun if i don't get in i dont get in case closed.
6.Pretty Good In Aikido Fun to play with
7. Black (2nd Dan Alt That i dont use because i didnt like the name anymore)
8. Only 14...
9. None
10. No Sorry
11. Assault (Official? i dont remember)
12. (2FreePlay Videos)
Attached Files
0-NICE.rpl (66.2 KB, 5 views)
lulz.rpl (63.4 KB, 5 views)
sit.rpl (62.5 KB, 5 views)
flip.rpl (43.3 KB, 5 views)
Running, dancing, and slaming people
Are you Forum active (i am forum active just I lost my old forum acc.)
Are you Ingame active?3-6 hours a day)
What is your best\favorite mod?: Ninjustu
Why should we pick you?: I'm hard to be taken down and I never back up from a fight even what the situation is, I go and do my best to try to win every fight I get in.
What do you have to offer this clan?: TC, and items and the right to make some head txts/avatars :P
Belt: custom (AKA Legendary Belt) but will change to SIN if I get in.
Age: 15
your favorite type of music?: Any
Bans or Infractions: none
Previous Clans: none

all the replays are single, I don't save much multiplayer lol. Everyone is there to see it :P

I just hope I get in.
Attached Files
zhook122.rpl (96.3 KB, 5 views)
zhook1222.rpl (121.4 KB, 5 views)
zhooksingle099.rpl (119.8 KB, 5 views)
2233232232332.rpl (113.3 KB, 5 views)
zhookrunning.rpl (38.3 KB, 5 views)
zhook decap.rpl (68.9 KB, 5 views)
(change this noobie so i know u got it)
It seems like you didn't even care ebough to even make a correct app
I bought a subscription to Wibbles so I think this quote is necessary,
"Be careful when gazing into the void, for it gazes back"