View Poll Results: Official?
40 Votes / 47.06%
No - Members
24 Votes / 28.24%
No - Activity
10 Votes / 11.76%
No - Organization
11 Votes / 12.94%
Voters: 85. You may not vote on this poll
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...Is it allowed that members can vote to the poll?
No from me.
  • Low requirements; Black Belt and you are a recruiter.
  • Using in game ranks in ranking.
  • Spamming members.
  • ...Which makes you look like noobs.
1. Black Belt doesn't mean recruiter, it just means you can be one, if I just let anyone recruit, then I wouldn't know if the people they are recruiting are good!
2. In game rankings are the point at witch you are considered for it, it doesn't mean you are it, plus you must keep that ranking for at least a week!
3. Spamming wth do you mean by that?
4. ...
there's backup for most of what you said.
Ryan: You cant beat Snoop Dog StellarNinja: I have a song with an electric bagpipe solo Ryan: ... FUCKING PLAY IT
Originally Posted by Follower View Post
We're just emerging, and compared to a lot of clans, we're pretty active.

Comparing is bad. I wouldn't vote yes for all of the current official clans.
I've went through my autosave folder and I think you guys don't have what it takes to be official. In both, activity and skill.
Oblivion: that wasn't hilarious
Oblivion: it was brilliantly complex though
Oblivion: hands down man
Oblivion: today I genuinely believe more than I ever did before
Oblivion: that you are better than me
Oblivion: gg NutHug

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*walks up on the stage*

I vote for... no.
Absolutely no. Bad behavior of members, their general lack of experience and understanding Toribash, and, well sorry, zergness.

On 7 members asked only one told me RWL's leader's name (sign that you spread randomly, and generally total failure of a clan).
Note: the one that told me - not exactly the leader's name, but it maybe looked similar - managed to do this after few days, and 3rd time being asked.
And he was some high ranking guy in this "clan". Recruiter or x-number leader, for sure.
Others kept asking me for server pass >.<. Including high ranking guys. To mention only Vampirekill (this guy I remembered, cause he was a real pain in the ass).
Another people just didn't know what does "opener" mean.
What does it mean to go to server no 13 for example, etc.
What the hell?

Others kept insultively challenging random people (like Chidori did with me), kept getting their ass handed back in complete silence from those people, what resulted in random insults and quitting server before someone could answer.

It's not that I don't like another official clan, but imo - from what I seen myself - you don't deserve officialness AT ALL.

Thank you.

*steps down from the stage*
deady: "Sahee (...) you bitter Pollock (...)"
Originally Posted by StellarNinja View Post
1. Black Belt doesn't mean recruiter, it just means you can be one, if I just let anyone recruit, then I wouldn't know if the people they are recruiting are good!
2. In game rankings are the point at witch you are considered for it, it doesn't mean you are it, plus you must keep that ranking for at least a week!
3. Spamming wth do you mean by that?
4. ...
there's backup for most of what you said.

1. Please specify it properly.
2. AKA worthless rankings.
Better would be like how much reputation (I don't mean the rep in forum, y'know what I mean) or how much skills... But with rank, plain craziness.
3. Well look up at this thread... Spams everywhere. I have seen some of your members spamming in game too.
Haven't seen you much in game, so I can't tell about how are you in game.

Originally Posted by JoeMo2000 View Post
"Yes" has exactly half of the vote now.

30 - 30
Originally Posted by Follower View Post
I have a question. Are all the No's added up, or just each goes against the Yes?

Also, I think people are still "no more clans" but just picking a random no vote.

They have the right to do that.

I think that you don't deserve being offical yet, because you are too new to the game and not long enough around to know how to lead a toribash clan. It is quite hard, so don't overrate yourself (if you did) and many clans die (REALLY!11!) because the clan is bad organised.
And another reason for my "no" vote is that you don't have enough skilled members. Clans with only begginers die very soon because the member leave as soon as they are skilled because their torifriends tell them that they are too good for the clan or something like that (It's true, trust me).

Please don't start to argue. This is my point of view and you are not able to change my opinion. Just take it as men.
wow, i didn't ever think about all that, i guess I could spend about 2 more months, and VampireKill(no offence) kind of is a pain in the a**, i'm going to check for activity on members and make a list of members that haven't been active for a while, thanks for the hints, realy, I guess a little longer of a wait could do RWL well, so MBK, I hate to say (type) this but, *sighs* you can close the poll, :,(
Ryan: You cant beat Snoop Dog StellarNinja: I have a song with an electric bagpipe solo Ryan: ... FUCKING PLAY IT
That post was win.
Oblivion: that wasn't hilarious
Oblivion: it was brilliantly complex though
Oblivion: hands down man
Oblivion: today I genuinely believe more than I ever did before
Oblivion: that you are better than me
Oblivion: gg NutHug

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