Originally Posted by Oyster View Post
LilPaine wins yet again with the Fight-Club -esque entry.

Dengue's entry, we feel, did not fit the theme of "conflict".

This weeks' comp will go up in a few hours.

We won 2/3 competitions
PigeonHive Flap Buzz
Sorry I couldnt help that week also monday is my last day of school I will be totally available and Woooo we won
I like doing art and stuff| GATA |... My Deviant Art Http://
I know it's just me and lilterror but I'd like to get some ideas from everyone else for this week's event:

Freestyle it! Make whatever you want, but absolutely no premades. The entries must be made specifically for this competition.

Two entry maximum (no matter what). You can post WIPs here, but try to
keep them to one post or at least a minimum.

PigeonHive Flap Buzz
Man that is some clean stuff. The only thing that i say you should fix is the size of his feet, specifically the right one, (from his point of view* even though it's angled, it still looks pretty large. Did you use a ref pic for this? it looks practically perfect!
Ha! Now that you mention it his foot is awefully swollen. This is caused by the snake bite he received. Or was it a foot tumor... I dunno. I screwed up his right hand too. Please don't look at it... Go for it lilterror.
PigeonHive Flap Buzz
Okay ill start when I get home from the dentist I have to get my braces tightend

Tom I did the shading ill upload the pics ASAP Im on my cell phone when I get home ill upload the pics.


Last edited by Ruadhan; Jun 29, 2010 at 08:26 PM. Reason: ono D:
I like doing art and stuff| GATA |... My Deviant Art Http://