it wouldn't be a great idea to make salt water into pure water cause some animals actually need that stuff and and penguins can do that already. but it is a good idea to do in the gulf. BP has gone mad


You`d usually think youd see 2 or 3 hookers a day. but nyou don`t. thats why we have strip clubs
Originally Posted by fistfury View Post
If that was true alot of kids in africa, and ocean animals would still be alive.

Actually if it was truly effective at "ending water pollution" then it would remove the salt from the water too. As far as picking up oil, there are lots of ways to pick up water with different types of particles. The problem is you then have to make enough to spread over all the oil and you have to collect it. Once you collect it, then you have a lot of waste. You basically need a chemical or organism that can chemically alter the oil and any other pollution rendering it harmless to plants and animals.
Bella Vega, Health insurance quote Advisor
I cant believe this can be a truly effective form of water cleaning because all the other factors there are in waters besides simply cleaning chemicals out.
There are other bacterias such as viruses and the salt content of water isnt cleansing.
Some kind of super organism would be best that is edible and cleans water quickly and efficient.
I think it's good,but fact is it has no life or death uses. People,most of the time,aren't going to die from a(n) water oilspill.

How is it going to help "Hungry" Africans?Anwser:It's not.

Sorry to "burst your bubble."

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