Christmas Lottery
Original Post
Omega Video [Replays Needed]
So, that's it. It's going to be our clan video. Music and these stuff are going to be a suprise, you'll love. So, gime replayz!!!
Ok. I need at least 15 replays from each, or less. One of the suprise is that the video is gona be 1080p (Full HD video) Other stuff are gona be in da vid. So people, START GIVIN REEPLAYZ!!!
I'll get some stuff edited in here when I go shuffling through my other tb files tommorrow.

As for music, I would suggest something from pendulum ;>
I decided to stick this, seeing as it's going to be the main point of interest in this clan until it's done. Also, No leaving or joining the clan until it's finished. That's how our last attempts at a vid failed.

Don't forget guys.

[Was that really necessary?

Attached Files
Mad Waffle.rpl (51.8 KB, 5 views)
Mad acrobat.rpl (44.1 KB, 4 views)
Last edited by Ruadhan; Jun 24, 2010 at 12:09 AM. Reason: Bleh