Name: Y0ur5ain
belt: Green
Best mod: aikido
Skill: Head texture making, marketing
Why u wanna join: Find new friends, improve in fighting, improve other skills and just kick asses not alone.
Clan Beffore Joining This Clan: This is first clan
Replays: Attached
Rank You Want: Clan Designer
Rank That You Can Get:

Attached Files
30 frames.rpl (21.9 KB, 9 views)
Just win.rpl (32.6 KB, 4 views)
Name: dexdix
belt: blue
Best mod: all
Skill: pHp, javascript, html
Why u wanna join: i wana join some tori comunity
Clan Beffore Joining This Clan: no clan
Rank You Want: Web Maker []
Last edited by dexdix; Jun 26, 2010 at 11:42 PM.
Originally Posted by Xneosjr View Post
we won the war!!!

Sorry for interuppting your...gloating. But the truth is, ya haven't. From what I heard, you guys made the Match unfair and unsatisfying to be in. Whether or not it was a tatic, you had to be fair. But, since EPIC was being quite fair, we won by default. BUT, there is ALWAYS a rematch that could work.
Death to all who stand before me!
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