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MSN keeps crashing... halp?
So msn/windows live messenger keeps on crashing, as soon as i click on it to open, i get the evil "windows live has stopped working and blaaah blah blah' messege. Then it just closes. I've tried reinstalling. And all my programs are closed when i try to open. Any ideas ?
Maybe there is some obscure registary error (however I will admit i'm no MSN pro) you could try running CCleaner to uninstall MSN, clean up your registary, and then reinstall it?

if not then I don't have many ideas, anything you think may be realted to this?
Its probably corruption on your personal folder in windows live messenger.. I recommend you to completely remove Windows Live Messenger. How? Using ZapMessenger:!1118.entry

Then reinstall. If that doesn't work, you might want to try another messaging software such as: amsn, emesene, pidgin, trillian, (and so on...)
"There is enough on earth for everybody's need, but not for everyone's greed." - Mohandas Gandhi
Didn't work genki.

Vladvlad/m0o : i'm pretty stupid when it comes to computer stuff like that, how about to do i do a system restore ?
I don'tknow why the shit you bumped this, and right now I've decided to use pidgin for msn. I'll go ahead and close this now.