Original Post
Replay Event-1
EDIT by PsycKho : Event cancelled

Hi Peeps here is Reaper with our first monthly replay event...

We'll make Sparing replay this month. SP ONLY

Rules are:

No grab
Only new replays.
Match frames: Optional
Mod: You should use Classic
Gravity: Optional
Engage distance:Optional
Dismerberment hold: 100 min

You can edit the replay many times you want before dead line
Deadline: 10th July...

What i'll judge:

Reaper277 (me)
Also prizes are 3k for the winner and 1k for second place
Happy replay making!

Example: Obs don't make it like this cause that replay is lame

Attached Files
example.rpl (123.3 KB, 10 views)
Last edited by Psyckho; Jul 3, 2010 at 02:11 AM.
so...heres my replay
Attached Files
spin kick split.rpl (59.5 KB, 7 views)
Last edited by rofldragon; Jul 1, 2010 at 04:02 AM.
It's a bird! It's a plane! Nope, Chuck Testa.
Im happy too see that VorteX its cool with ALL members Also this is filling up fast! 3 VorteX's here

EDIT: Well my leg will be better in two weeks... YAY

EDIT2:Rofl youre enty isnt valid it have to be a spar replay
Last edited by Reaper277; Jul 1, 2010 at 04:54 AM.
Damn... Well this is going to take a bit longer than I thought. (Damn touchpad)
Gotta get used to this "Z" and "X" thing. When you've never it before, it does seem quite alien. :P
Proud leader of VorteX