Secret Santa 2024
Originally Posted by Fee View Post
This follows a storyline of every typical film. CMon joins chats site as an experiment. CMon falls in love. Douche bag guy finds out CMon is conducting an experiment. Douche bag guy tells girl CMon is conducting an experiment. Girl never wants to see CMon again. CMon comes back just in time for some sort of big cybersex event. CMon saves the day. Girl falls back in love with CMon. CMon says something witty to douche bag guy.

It'll happen.

I seriously lol'd Love the posts CMon you finished or is there more?
I did something similar to this before. I tried to watch the weird or un-tasteful "videos". (You know, stuff like furry, fetish, shemale[i regret that one], ect ,ect. ) I ended up joining a furry forum for 3 weeks. I think i came out unscaved but now at least i can see the people who watch those "videos" point of view. Ima stick to the stuff i started with in the first place.

Wasn't the best idea i had.
The Official [Evil] Hitman
CashGod | ♫ Joven Dios ♫
Entry 14: I'm Back! (7/7-2010 | 23:50)

There's a perfectly good explanation for why I haven't posted for 6 days. (Don't worry, I intend on making the project duration atleast a week total.)

So I went out to party Friday night, which somehow melted seamlessly together with Saturday night, followed by a near-death experience involving a detached lamppost, a shopping cart, a (now) dead lemming and a bunch of skaters.

Again, this was followed by a rather...enjoyable night and a hellish morning where I recieved the most intergalactic hangover in the history of the universe. It lasted about two days, effectively putting me out of efficiency until Tuesday.

"But now it's Wednesday night," you say. That is correct. My dumbass co-workers manage to consistently get themselves ill, injured, or come down with AIDS, cancer or diabetes or whatever so that I need to cover their shifts, despite having a vacation. So yeah, I haven't had much time.

In any case, since my last time I've visited the site three times; two of those to masturbate to the pictures and one just now. None of my "aquaintances" are here and I feel scared and lonely, because there's a guy here that claims to be a "tentacled horseman" and he intends to gangrape the entire room.

*pained screaming*
Yeah, you've now got me curious and I read the whole thread. YOU MUST FINISH IT.
[23:40] * RedDevil pounces onto rittu
[23:40] <@RedDevil> rawr
[23:40] <rittu> eep
[23:40] <CMon> GODDAMMIT
[23:40] * RedDevil lets her fingers slide over your chest
[23:40] <@RedDevil> I'm hungry
[23:40] <CMon> by the way
[23:40] <@RedDevil> hahaha
[23:40] <CMon> "slide over your chest"
[23:40] <@RedDevil> This is awesome


Awesome read btw.
Originally Posted by RedDevil View Post
[23:40] * RedDevil pounces onto rittu
[23:40] <@RedDevil> rawr
[23:40] <rittu> eep
[23:40] <CMon> GODDAMMIT
[23:40] * RedDevil lets her fingers slide over your chest
[23:40] <@RedDevil> I'm hungry
[23:40] <CMon> by the way
[23:40] <@RedDevil> hahaha
[23:40] <CMon> "slide over your chest"
[23:40] <@RedDevil> This is awesome


Awesome read btw.

Fun times in IRC! And yeah, this is increasingly interesting. Well done, losing your internet virginity. \()/