Secret Santa 2024
Your name*:Samuel
Age (must be over 13. No lying, we will find out)*:15 soon to be 16
Belt (2nd Dan Black Belt +) *: Brown
Rank: 4767
Posts (must be over 350)*: 1861
How many hours a day you play: I've been unable to play for sometime due to lack of a good pc but I will be getting a good one soon.
Past Clans: I was in Unknown for a short time until it ended
The longest time you spent in a clan (not nessacery, but it will help your chances of getting into the clan): 2-3 weeks. The clan ended
Best Mod*: don't recall
Ban/infraction history*: 14 infractions 2 bans
Anything you can contribute to the clan (art, textures, fighting, items, tc, etc. If textures, please post examples)*: Once I get a good PC I can fight
Active ingame/forums/IRC*:Forums now When I get a new computer Both forum and ingame
Why do you want do Join?*: I was invited
Replays you have made (not nessacery):
User Card:

First of all hey everyone!!

I guess you people remember me with the account "sagimeir2"
Like a year ago I think I quited Toribash,Clan and sold my account after 4 years of playing and 1-2 in this clan, Before I continue I wanted to tell you all why I did it. First of all I started university at the age of 15 [Yes i'm smart] and I turned 18 a while ago, I quited mostly cuz I didnt had time to play for a really long time.
Well now I got all the time I want So I decided to open a new account maybe buy some Qi and try to rejoin my old clan.

So here it goes:

Your name: Sagi
Age (must be over 13. No lying, we will find out): 18
Belt (2nd Dan Black Belt +) *: White [Buying 10-20k qi soon]
Rank: As I said ^
Posts (must be over 350):0 will get to 1000 fast as I did with my old account.
How many hours a day you play: All daylong baby ;]
Past Clans: Ewy when I started TB [Were big at the time] This clan, The old old Demon clan and others.
The longest time you spent in a clan (not nessacery, but it will help your chances of getting into the clan): 1-2 years in this one and 8 monthes in Ewy.
Best Mod: All mods if you remember, Love mostly realistic mods for fighting.
Ban/infraction history: Here none, At the old one or two for useless posts I think.
Anything you can contribute to the clan (art, textures, fighting, items, tc, etc. If textures, please post examples: If you can still buy TC that will be a part of it, And fighting ofcourse.
Active ingame/forums/IRC: Spam 24/7 [Jk;]
Why do you want do Join?:Said above ^^^
Replays you have made (not nessacery): Well I guess you got alot of them at the replay Thread.
User Card: well same as all new ones I'll post one after I buy the Qi if needed.

You people should add, How long do you play TB.
4-5 years for that ;]

BTW hows everyone? Art,Roz and Fc are still playing?
Last edited by BondyLox; Jul 11, 2010 at 02:56 AM.
BondyLox: Wow, I wasn't expecting you to come back Sagi I guess it's a yes from me, but I'm not the leader in this place, Ruadhan is (shock, horror etc.)

DesertPunk: I invited you on the understanding that you where a cool, mature kind of guy. If you can't be bothered to fill out the app, I'm not sure if you're the sort of person we want in Omega.
Quit, probably.
Ehh... Sagi you quit because you didn't like the direction the clan was moving in, and you weren't in the clan for 2 years...
Never the less you are accepted.

DesertPunk, BirdFlu's right. Please fill out the app.
Hey guys, I also talked to Tom and became a member of pigeon yesterday, should have writed here but I totally forgot...
Enless you guys are accepting multy clanning since it's Tom/Jc/Roz clan I will stay in both if you dont or angry or w/e just call me a biach. ;[
I also thought that their still in Omega cuz some of the posts they had..
Really sorry that I did, I saw their Pigeon desc and couldent resist ;[.
Last edited by BondyLox; Jul 11, 2010 at 11:44 AM.