Originally Posted by Swarfiga View Post
I thought it was pretty obvious after the doctor said something around the lines of "the most feared thing in the universe is inside it" considering so many things fear the doctor

Well I'm not that.... sharp.

Since I'm here in a Australia I only just got to watch the season finale. I thought it was brilliant. Spoiler: Thou when Amy appeared in the pandorica I thought the Doctor had become her in some strange and very twisted way. And yes fezzes are cool
The finale wasn't that great, in terms of shooting and fighting and Daleks. The story was good I suppose, but I don't know if it's my favourite finale. I loved how when the Pandorica opened at the beginning, Amy said, "Well this is where is gets complicated."
I thought it was a great finale. Just as good as all the others if not better. I've always liked episodes where time isn't in a straight line.
It depends where you live, Crytox. BBC has a feature on their site called iView which is avaliable to you if you like in the UK. It's like a stream of all the episodes they've aired and has all of Season 5 on it. (As well as 1-4)
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