I have a head chop. Can work fairly well in judo or be a disaster.
Hold all
Extend neck
Contract left pec
Contract left elbow
Extend right pec
Right rotate chest
Right bending lumbar
Contract abs
Extend left hip
Extend right hip
Extend left glute
Optional: Left grabby hand
Hold All
Lower Shoulders
Extend Glutes
Sticky Hands
I've been seen winning using this starter. It's the unexpected that your opponent should fear the most :D
<ducky> The game.
<siku> ducky: i didnt know this was 2005 and 4chan
<siku> sorry, i hate the game and you should shut the fuck up about that retarded bullshit
<siku> you should link us to awesome and edgy motivational pics next or maybe pedobear
<siku> inb4 rep needs toriprime or vip lmao rofl that /b/ is grate
<siku> is this the part where you educate me on memes, further showcasing your amazing 4chan findings
<siku> word x is a meme lmao rofl