Secret Santa 2024
OK i ll buy
Marine Left Hand Motion Trail
Marine Right Leg Motion Trail
Chronos Blood
730 tc, ok?
Coz i need more money, i want to buy some semi-expensive thing in ur shop
Last edited by Astaroth; Jul 12, 2010 at 07:37 PM.
We apologize for the inconvenience but that post regarding the prices for marine items has been updated to to a sudden rise in price and demand of the item.

Thank you.

And regarding the pre-ordering, if you would like to pre-order, simply post a request containing the items you are looking for, we will reply with the cheapest pricing we can find for the item, a meager 5% commision will be added to the pricing.

e.g Customer: pre-order - marine gradient
Shop: Cheapest deal = 100TC + 5% commission
Once both parties confirm the deal you will be asked to send the agreed ammount of TC and we will purchase the item and send it to your active account.
Last edited by 1DH1; Jul 12, 2010 at 07:46 PM.
Originally Posted by 1DH1 View Post
We apologize for the inconvenience but that post regarding the prices for marine items has been updated to to a sudden rise in price and demand of the item.

Thank you.

Which price is now?
@Virajspy: 600TC for one item.
1000TC for both.

And if you would like to pre-order Marine right hand + marine left leg we can also get that for you.

@Natto:We are currently busy processing that deal.
Originally Posted by 1DH1 View Post
@Virajspy: 600TC for one item.
1000TC for both.

And if you would like to pre-order Marine right hand + marine left leg we can also get that for you.

@Natto:We are currently busy processing that deal.

Sorry i dont have much money but i ll buy Marine right lag and marine left hand for 1000 tc now
We really apologize for that sudden increase in price, the cheapest we could find for was 666TC per item so you still getting a deal.

But your offer has been accepted, we will send the items after we recieve the TC.

Thank you.
@KasKiller: 100TC for both items
@Natto: Shop price for crimson relax is 25k - 50%
=12.5k - 20%(item is currently not on demand)
=10k(prices negotiable)
@brey: please be more specific as to what you would like(item colour and type)