Belt:Black belt (skills like crazy !).....
What Type Of Guardian Do You Want To Be? Swordsman !
Why Do You Want To Join?i wanna join this clan cu i know u ppl very well and i cant stand waiting for secret -_-''and cuz ur all awesome.
u scammed me jk u gave item back ill say welcome but im not co-ldr or ldr

Some secret of mine

Bet you didn't know, this is a signature
Grauer: u have only 1 post! u need at least 20 posts in order to join guardians... try to be more active at forum

congratz, you are now in the clan....
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Last edited by ARMIN0; Jul 14, 2010 at 02:39 PM.
:(){ :|: & };:
fal and ohthers how u make that avvy and post replays and even see the rplays u saved of the internet?

Some secret of mine

Bet you didn't know, this is a signature
Depends on what item it is....
Also, isn't he supposed to be a Vigilante until he proves to be active and responsible? That's how I went through Guardians <_<
Rappunk said I need to put him on my sig :P
"So what if I lied? At least I'm honest about it."