@hipotibor:Well sorry for not responding immeadiatly in the middle of the week where ordinary people have school and work and stuff.

Truly apologetic.

@xmatersx: you havent requested any deals, items or pricing nothing, you have no right to judge our shop, we have a market black list for people who leave only negative posts in peoples shops and are more than willing to provide your username, which disallows you to purchase from any shop in the market, and creating alternate accounts to leave negatve posts is asking to be banned... brey.

@kob: hex is handling your deal so i have no updates for you, sorry
Originally Posted by kob View Post
Head Texture for 1,800 tc
Helios Ghost for 1,800 tc
Gaia Relax for 1,200 tc
Vampire Ghost for 1,200 tc
gui texture for 1,000 tc

and flame particle texture is 5k on dealfinder

Sorry for late reply, ive had school the last few days.
Kob, if you can replace those ghosts and maybe some of the other stuff there with forces and/or relaxes we have a deal. Im sorry to say but ghosts are very hard to sell, forces and relaxes sell very quick.