Original Post
[R] Hunter static set...
Ok so basically waht im looking for is a Hunter/Static set i would like something creative and funny, that have things like this one:

i loved the torso "face" and the little faces on the hands, thats what im looking for, and i want Hunter as the main color, and static for the details like in the one im showing in the pic it has Demon as main color and vampire as the details...

about payment right now i just can offer you 21k and free requests from my shop (link on my signature) the price may rise if i sell my current set dl/lp to see it, or maybe we can trade or add it to the deal...
Need a logo or a banner CLICK HERE!!Take a look for the best prices and quality!
[Kingdomz] Proud Member!
wow the torso is mapped perfectly and hands and legs good job to weedark and good luck buying
|7th Dan|Gimp User|Wet|+Rep|Makaveli|