Christmas Lottery
go on the alienswarm steam forums and get support there.

anyway, epic fun being spec weapons woman :3
you get a free tf2 hat for completing 2 coop missions*
Originally Posted by jezisek1 View Post
Anyone can help me ?? Please.

same problem here dude.many people have this issue and posted it in the steam forums.Those guys at vavle didnt made the game to work with all video cards and proccessors.Almost all of the people who have this problem seem to have an AMD proccesor.The only thing we can do now is to wait for a patch to be released.Till then,we can only drool over the trailer and the screens.
I think a flaw in this game is the camera. Would be kinda hard with the aerial cam.

Also, as hip said we need to wait for a patch. They should be working on it right now.
|Grim Reapers|The Aikido Team|PSN/Steam:ItsRainingDesert|
The camera is fine, don't worry, wait for when people start modding and you'll see fps modes and the mode where you look over the shoulder most likely.