Christmas Lottery
Original Post
..:: Selling 70k for 5$ ::..
It's and epic offer guys!
Rate of 14k - 1$.
Wont last long!
So hurry up and post!
Breaking rules is bad
Alright. PM me when.\


<Darg|Cooking> Guys
<Darg|Cooking> How does this work:
<Darg|Cooking> ?
* marci4 ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: )
<Lume> Err
<Lume> what is that
* Hamr ([email protected]) has joined #toribash
<SkulFuk> it doesn't
<Darg|Cooking> Doesn't?
<@RedDevil> Darg|Cooking: Doesn't
<@RedDevil> Do you want any more repetition
<@RedDevil> I am happy to help with that
<Darg|Cooking> No no.
<Darg|Cooking> Thanks.
<SkulFuk> <RedDevil> Darg|Cooking: Doesn't <SkulFuk> it doesn't <-- doesn't
<@RedDevil> You're welcome
Last edited by Dargoba; Jul 21, 2010 at 10:06 PM.
Breaking rules is bad