
Are those things at the right, parts of the wallpaper or is it an actual program?
''The second industrial revolution has yet to be fully experienced by 17% of the world as nearly 1.3 billion people still lack access to electricity.''
It's a program called Rainmeter.

It's something like a custom user interface.
I also used some skins from a collection called "Simplesentece 2.1".

The bar on the bottom is just Rocket Dock with self made buttons, nothing special.
I'm such a copycat.

But fucking hell. This program, is so awesome.
Just spent 2.5 hours to set up this shit.
Epic. Thanks alot bro.


EDIT: For those gerfaggots who can read my notes: Sascha is my best pal and he's currently working from monday-saturday and he has no time to go into the school and check his timetables for next schoolyear. Since I'm such a fucking awesome bro (/brag) I'm doing that shit for him. :3

EDIT2: Flxy, how did you remove your taskbar? (Any way to do that without having a dock?)
Last edited by Nobuddie; Jul 23, 2010 at 08:47 PM.
Musst unter Taskbar Optionen "Taskbar automatisch ausbleden" anwählen. Is zwar teilweise nervig, weil die wieder ins Bild kommt, aber es geht. Gibt glaub ich auch irgend n Programm dafür.
Yea, Rainmeter is pretty awesome, keeps the desktop clean etc. :>
Achso nee, das kannte ich ja auch schon, da bleibt bei mir immer so ein kleiner restteil. So ein silberner streifen. Voll blöd.


I'ma be off to italy now.
Bai bitches. D: <3
Den haken bei taskleiste fixieren weg machen und die taskleiste nach unten ziehen - der balken bleibt zwar auch da aber sie blendet sich net wieder ein...