The sky is black at night due to the absence of light, with no light to refract, the ice crystals in the sky are almost completely transparent, giving us a clear view of space.
hmmm. . .

because the variable added or multiplied to get the next solid number gets added by a growing variable because 9- 20 shows that the variable is 11 but then in 20-35 shows that the variable is changeing because it its now 15 so then you notice the variable is getting added by 4 so 4 + 15= 19 so 19+ 35= 54

you have to explain you answer :P
I am evil.
Sorry for the delay on the answer, I fell asleep. XP
Yes my answer is 54, you're both correct!

Although I DID just notice another simpler way to solve it:

1 - 2 - 3 - 4

9 - 20 - 35 - 54


Your answer was better though Drone.
Proud leader of VorteX

i did it like drone tho... haha didnt know we had to explain, i will from now on
_Proud Member of VorteX_
Originally Posted by RAWWRH View Post
A cowboy comes to town on friday and leaves 3 days later on friday.How dose he do itz?

The horse is called Friday.

Here's mine:

A tower of green
And succulent within
Makes a spiky shell
That's juicy within
Welcome to an Infernity of pain
Proud VorteXian

A solid cube is exactly balanced on one of it's corners.
If you were to slice clean across this cube with a cut parallel to the floor in two equal pieces, what shape would the cut surface have?
Proud leader of VorteX