Christmas Lottery
I despise operator abuse, mainly because it's been done to me several times.
Vets should be the lowest rank that can be Op without question. Even if you created the server, once someone Vet or higher enters, you should Op them then de-Op yourself.

Sorry, but when you make a VorteX server, you make it for the clan, not your self.
Proud leader of VorteX

I think I'd second Dal.

I don't think VIP's should be granted OP. You don't need any trust requirements pretty much in order to become a VIP, whereas Veterans, well they're bound to be trustworthy after that length of time.

And yes, I'm a VIP.
Welcome to an Infernity of pain
Proud VorteXian
Originally Posted by thedarkblood View Post
hmmm, if an officer or the higher ranks op someone in a low rank, will it be acceptable?

If a leader op someone it is acceptable. Full power obviously. But for everyone else, rules are rules.

Ice, I'm glad to see you enforce the same rules as I do.

Btw, I know I'm not a lot active these days, but it is not a reason to do random shit guys.
Grand Overseer of VorteX
great job zac333, you made ice ban normal members and vips from being ops of vortex servers -_-
Last edited by thedarkblood; Jul 27, 2010 at 08:34 AM.
<8OJ4N>Dark hax-a-lot
<8OJ4N>sounds like a knight

I am not stoping you from making rooms, i am just saying once a higher rank person comes in please OP them then de op your self.
thank you.
Proud Ex-Leader of VorteX
Originally Posted by thedarkblood View Post
great job zac333, you made ice ban normal members and vips from being ops of vortex servers -_-

It has always been like this =) Ice is just telling it AGAIN. It's because we still don't have made the rule thread, but no one exept leaders and officers has ever been authorized to have op =p
Grand Overseer of VorteX