Original Post
[S]Inventory MEGASALE
Welcome to my inventory MEGASALE shop.

Rules are:
1. No spamming, capsing, arguing, ennoing images, useless posts
2. No stupid offers like "haha I wanna that Void Flame for 500TC lol!!!1!"
3. No selling in this thread, only buing from my deactivated inventory

And now you can get more and more TC from each 50k TC in my shop! All you need is to have a good deal! (Starts from 04.08.2011, items aren't included)

Prizes are:
TC deals - TC prizes
50k - 2k
100k - 4k
150k - 6k
200k - 8k
250k - 10k
so 4example If you'll by items from me on 250k TC you'll get 30k TC back

code code:
toricant - 120TC
Vate - 7000TC
ArMaGeTroN - 1900TC
Sagemsk - 6500TC
dylan86 - 21000TC
agonized - 13000TC
Vrede - 250TC
Yiazmat - 11500TC
Last edited by Sheva; Apr 25, 2011 at 08:08 PM.