Christmas Lottery

Do you guys happen to need a texturer?
i only ask for a small bit of tc in advance but we can discuss it later but the way i do is a certain amount of tc for unlimited textures for 1 month then i get paid each month you decide to keep me or weeks can be fine. just a friendly offer.
I'd like to thank you all of DP for accepting me. I hope I have a good stay longer than that of when I stayed in HoLy.

Also... mind telling me your GMT's so I'll be able to know when to see you online?
GMT +8:00
We're glad you joined Airo.
GMT+1 here.
Are you in ORMO, Airo?
If you are you should drop by #ormo, it's way easier to find me there than ingame.
Last edited by Oblivion; Jul 30, 2010 at 04:48 PM.
We're still kids in buses longing to be free.
Nah, nor do I think I should join. Their level of skill is much higher than mine and such which I currently possess cannot get me into ORMO.

By the way, do you guys have an IRC channel?
GMT +8:00
As far as I've seen you're not too far from the ORMO standards.
A couple of weeks of practice should do the trick.

Not that I know of. I only hang out in #ormo since most of us here in DP have different GMT's.
We're still kids in buses longing to be free.