Originally Posted by Chronos View Post
I know it's just your opinion, but could you tell me your reasons for thinking that. Personally I think that the chance of god not existing is very low.

The reason why i do not do any further discussion on religious subjects, is because religious people can always pull the ignorance/i'm not listening to you card. Just because they concider anyone criticizing religion a religious bigot, and that is a fact for the most (98%) people who are religious.
And the counter arguments are oftenmost just stupid, it's undiscussable, really.

But if you really wish to see how atheists are made...
2 things will get you there fast.
Reading history of what religious people did in years around 300 to 1900's

And, simply, reading the bible(or any religious book) because nothing gets you there faster, than reading the bible with an unbiased mind.

Also i do not discuss or argue of worldviews, because of the first mention up there, i've grown to be 'meh' about everyone's beliefs. If they truly believe in something, and they do not attemp to convert you, or their beliefs of the world do not affect you in any manner, it's -not- your -fucking- problem.
If they start to affect you (we have random christians, including jehovah's witnesses coming to our doorstep, preaching their message) simply, throw them out if they do not understand when you tell them you do not want their belief.

On that note, who the fuck do they think will convert to your religion if they preach it on their doorstep? xD
What what? In the butt.
Originally Posted by FNugget View Post
But the program contains everything. It is all that exists. So it must contain the programmer. How do you write an everything program when it doesnt contain everything?
I think the word "created" might have been a slight mistranslation. It's hard to describe. Let's use dry ice. Does dry ice create CO2 smoke?

If the program(the universe) contains everything, then why is it expanding? there should be no space for it to expand. I don't think this universe is everything unless you limit yourself to a materialistic view.
title is wrong......

i mean, stop saying "Christians should not act like this".

I'm an Atheist, but it's annoying. Just respect peoples Religion, even if they dont expect yours.

Joke form a Dutch Cabaret(?)
Originally Posted by Hans Teeuwen
Him: So how do you know god is real?
Christian: It is written.
Him: But how do you know everything is wriiten is actually true?
Christian: that is also written.
(Him: *Sigh*)
Him for himself and the public: so, thenext time i visited i brought a little book wich in i wrote "God does not exist"
Him: So how do you know God is real?
Christian: It is written.
Him: Oh that's wierd cuzzzzz ehhh *points to note*.

sorry, its a bad joke, but this made me think of it....... (its actually really funny when he tells it real Quick).
Last edited by Caesar; Mar 7, 2008 at 11:47 PM.
<+Lightningkid> ......
<+Lightningkid> wow
<+Lightningkid> I fail
Well, then how should the title be then? I actually think it's a good title for this. I can understand if some people find Christians annoying because of people like aritonang. (Read my first post to find out about him.)
Originally Posted by Chronos View Post
If the program(the universe) contains everything, then why is it expanding? there should be no space for it to expand. I don't think this universe is everything unless you limit yourself to a materialistic view.

Its not actualy the universe expanding its more just everything inside it. The universe is infinat, the things inside it get farther away from each other. Although this hasnt actualy been proven yet.
slipknot it has ben proven that our galaxies are moving away from eachother. and on the whole this is not how a chistian should act? well it seems most who define themselves as christians in this thread are acting the way "they are not supposed to"
Originally Posted by stoog458 View Post
slipknot it has ben proven that our galaxies are moving away from eachother. and on the whole this is not how a chistian should act? well it seems most who define themselves as christians in this thread are acting the way "they are not supposed to"

How are we acting the way were not suppost to? And nobody can be a perfect christian, its impossible.
Originally Posted by slipknot View Post
How are we acting the way were not suppost to? And nobody can be a perfect christian, its impossible.

jesus did it
Originally Posted by Zimpy View Post
jesus did it

Uhh yeah no shit. Hes the SON OF GOD not some normal human. Its impossible for him to sin.
Originally Posted by slipknot View Post
How are we acting the way were not suppost to? And nobody can be a perfect christian, its impossible.

Originally Posted by Zimpy View Post
jesus did it

Originally Posted by slipknot View Post
Uhh yeah no shit. Hes the SON OF GOD not some normal human. Its impossible for him to sin.

Funny, because he was Jewish.
Three rules of Q - 1. Qegola and Quarantine both start with Q. 2. There is no U in Qegola. 3. Qegola is you new god.

So a man walks into a bar with a monkey. I forgot the rest of the joke but your mom is a whore.