Those couple of weeks for practice just won't happen since I have school. Next week's my first big test that happens every semester (for us, semesters are often called "quarters") so I have to get prepared for it.

Is that so? Well, do you use your MSN often? If so, mind telling me it so we can talk with each other?
GMT +8:00
Oh, I thought you were on vacation.
I'll host us an IRC channel then when I'm on. Join #DP.
We're still kids in buses longing to be free.
Well, we could get everyone to get MSN. =P It certainly would help communication.


What would you all think of a private forum?

It wouldn't be for all clan members, just the original members. (Trusted the most, and have had no problems internally with them)

Although, I'm questioning how much it would be used.
Looks like I'll be having a hard time looking for you guys in-game, considering I have a GMT of +8. I can only find you guys in the night, and since I have school, such attempt for searching will be hard to do.

Also, how often do you guys make a Death Plague clan server?
GMT +8:00